Houria is Popping Up!

We started our latest pop up venture earlier in October; you can now come and eat with us at Cafe Conscious at 182 Avonvale Road in Barton Hill every Tuesday.

We'll be serving up our legendary meat or vegan feasts alongside home-made cakes, juices and hot drinks, every Monday to the Aid Box Community Refugee Women's Group and Tuesdays to the public from 10am until 3pm.

Our African cuisine will take you on a tasty journey with dishes steeped in black history, culture and SPICE. Our incredible trainee chef Salha is bringing her native classics from Sudan and they are absolutely delicious.

This is an ongoing venture and we will be at Cafe Conscious every Tuesday until further notice. It's already going down a storm so please pop in and say hi.

We can't wait to see you and feast with you!

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Cuisine Spotlight: Bacalao


All Contributions Welcome